Dick Weber
Raised in a nominally Christian environment, at age 14 he decided that
the traditions and beliefs he was being exposed to were too exclusionary
to be the valid utterences of the Supreme Creator, and so began a life
long quest for a universal message which bonds us all.
This search has led him to his present place of understanding that
"no one owns God" and that, in fact, we are all extensions of the creative
force. In a life embracing physics and electronic engineering as vocation,
and comparitive religion and spirituality as advocation, Dick believes
that we serve best by encouraging growth, freedom of self expression,
and conscious gratitude for our own, and our loved one's existance. After
his children were all through school and established, he was moved to change
his career path and sought ordination in the LifeSpirit CC. His ministry
as co -director of the Lightwing Center of LifeSirit gives him the
great joy of helping celebrate life.
Nancy & Dick Weber & Associates,
P.O. Box 1132, Denville, NJ 07834
Ph: 888-467-6572 Fx: 973-627-4285
email: LIGHTWING@aol.com or ozwizard@optonline.net